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FAQ topics

where to buy freshpet

Where can I find Freshpet in the US?
How current are the store results on the Freshpet Where to Buy tool?

quality and safety

How do you ensure the quality and safety of your fresh food?


Is Freshpet food raw? Should I be concerned about the avian bird flu impacting your recipes or ingredients?
Where do Freshpet ingredients come from?
Is Freshpet food all natural?
How does Freshpet verify the quality of their meats?
Why does Freshpet use fresh meats instead of rendered meals?
Why do your products contain salt? Shouldn’t we monitor sodium intake in pets?


Is Freshpet complete and balanced nutrition?
Is Freshpet approved and recommended by veterinarians?
The moisture or amount of water in Freshpet food seems high, why is this?
Why does traditional dry food seem to have more protein than Freshpet food when I look at the Guaranteed Analysis on the label?
Is the protein level in Freshpet recipes appropriate for all dogs?

choosing freshpet

Which recipe is right for my pet? Which do I choose?
How are Freshpet treats different from other dog treats?

feeding and serving

What is the best way to change to Freshpet?
Can I feed Freshpet to my puppy?
What makes Nature’s Fresh different?

shelf life

Can Freshpet food be frozen and stored in my freezer for future use?
Once served, how long is it safe to leave Freshpet food in my dog or cat’s bowl?
How can I tell if the product is fresh when I buy it at the store?
Can Freshpet food be microwaved?

not sure which recipe is right for your pet?

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A person holding a black and white dog reaching for a Freshpet recipe.

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